V 2,0,0 #7

Yaya48 merged 42 commits from beta into new 2020-07-30 23:06:26 +02:00
7 changed files with 108 additions and 158 deletions

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@ -9,17 +9,16 @@
***Disclaimer: I am not held responsible for any damage done to your device.***<br/>
***Note: you must have a computer to launch the script via SSH, you cannot use NewTerm.***<br/>
***Note: I recommend that you know what you're doing***<br/>
1) Restore rootfs with unc0ver<br/>
2) Rejailbreak with unc0ver<br/>
3) Refresh sources in Cydia and install `OpenSSH` and `Curl`<br/>
4) Find the IP of your iDevice and connect via SSH on your computer.<br/>
5) Use the following command in your SSH session for installation:<br/>
1) You don't need to restore rootfs anymore Tweaks/Apps Are saved<br/>
2) Refresh sources in Cydia and install `OpenSSH` and `Curl`<br/>
3) Find the IP of your iDevice and connect via SSH on your computer.<br/>
4) Use the following command in your SSH session for installation:<br/>
`/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yaya48/Uncursus/new/installuncursus.sh)"`<br/>
6) Once your device resprings, launch Sileo and you're good to go.<br/>
5) Once your device resprings, launch Sileo and you're good to go.<br/>
***For All Users Cannot Have A Pc I Made a Non-Computer Version***<br/>
***Note: Disclimer This still in beta***<br/>
1) Restore Rootfs
1) You don't need to restore rootfs anymore Tweaks/Apps Are saved
2) Add https://repo.yaya48.gq in cydia
3) Install Uncursus Installer
4) Enter In Terminal And Log In As Root With Default Passworld Type: su after alpine

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -2,61 +2,68 @@
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
echo You need to run this script as root.
command -v unzip >/dev/null 2>&1 || need+="unzip "
command -v plutil >/dev/null 2>&1 || need+="com.bingner.plutil "
command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 || need+="curl "
command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1 || need+="wget "
echo -e "\e[31mWelcome to Uncursus Installation Script V1.3.2 (Stable) By @Yaya4_4 on Twitter.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mWelcome to Uncursus Installation Script V2.0.0 (Stable) By @Yaya4_4 on Twitter.\e[0m"
echo "Checking If Is A Clean Install Of Unc0ver..."
if [[ -f "/.procursus_strapped" ]]; then
echo "Please do not use this on odyssey or on an already uncursus installation.."
exit 1
if [[ -f "/.bootstrapped" ]]; then
echo "Please do not use this on checkra1n"
exit 1
echo "If you've found any bugs, please create an issue in GitHub."
echo "Checking Dependencies..."
if [[ $need != "" ]]; then
echo "Installing Dependencies..."
apt update
apt install unzip -y
apt install com.bingner.plutil -y
apt install zsh -y
apt install curl -y
echo "Pulling and executing the Procursus deployment script..."
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yaya48/Uncursus/new/procursus-deploy-u0.sh)"
echo "Pulling and installing official Procursus debians..."
apt install $need -y
echo "Pulling and executing the Procursus Migration Script"
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yaya48/Uncursus/beta/procursus-migration.sh)"
echo "Creating a custom directory for the required files. Path (/User/Documents/uncursus)."
rm -rf /User/Documents/uncursus
mkdir /User/Documents/uncursus
apt update
apt install wget -y --allow-unauthenticated
VER=$(/usr/bin/plutil -key ProductVersion /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist)
if [[ "${VER%.*}" -ge 12 ]] && [[ "${VER%.*}" -lt 13 ]]; then
echo "cock"
elif [[ "${VER%.*}" -ge 13 ]]; then
echo "iOS 13 Dectected Installing iOS 13 Procursus Deb"
wget https://github.com/Yaya48/Uncursus/blob/new/debprocursussystem-1600.zip?raw=true --directory-prefix=/User/Documents/uncursus/
unzip /User/Documents/uncursus/debprocursussystem-1600.zip?raw=true -d /User/Documents/uncursus/
dpkg -i /User/Documents/uncursus/debprocursussystem/*.deb
echo "iOS 12 Dectected Installing iOS 12 Procursus Deb"
wget https://github.com/Yaya48/Uncursus/blob/new/debprocursussystem-1500.zip?raw=true --directory-prefix=/User/Documents/uncursus/
unzip /User/Documents/uncursus/debprocursussystem-1500.zip?raw=true -d /User/Documents/uncursus/
dpkg -i /User/Documents/uncursus/debprocursussystem1500/*.deb
echo "Done. Creating a custom directory for the required files. Path (/User/Documents/)."
mkdir /User/Documents/uncursus/u0
wget https://github.com/Yaya48/Uncursus/blob/new/debpatch.zip?raw=true --directory-prefix=/User/Documents/uncursus/
unzip /User/Documents/uncursus/debpatch.zip?raw\=true -d /User/Documents/uncursus/debpatch
echo "Done. Setuping Uncursus Repo...."
echo "Types: deb" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odyssey.sources
echo "URIs: https://yaya48.github.io/uncursusrepo" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odyssey.sources
echo "Suites: ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odyssey.sources
echo "Components: " >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odyssey.sources
echo "" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odyssey.sources
mkdir -p /etc/apt/preferenced.d/
echo "Package: *" > /etc/apt/preferenced.d/odyssey
echo "Pin: release n=uncursus-ios" >> /etc/apt/preferenced.d/odyssey
echo "Pin-Priority: 1001" >> /etc/apt/preferenced.d/odyssey
echo "" >> /etc/apt/preferenced.d/odyssey
echo "Done. Installing Sileo"
wget -q https://github.com/coolstar/Odyssey-bootstrap/raw/master/org.coolstar.sileo_1.8.1_iphoneos-arm.deb --directory-prefix=/User/Documents/uncursus
dpkg -i /User/Documents/uncursus/org.coolstar.sileo_1.8.1_iphoneos-arm.deb
echo "Done. Downloading necessities"
wget -q https://yaya48.gq/files/uncursus/debpatch.zip --directory-prefix=/User/Documents/uncursus/
unzip /User/Documents/uncursus/debpatch.zip -d /User/Documents/uncursus/debpatch
rm -rf /usr/bin/cynject
wget https://apt.bingner.com/debs/1443.00/com.ex.substitute_0.1.14_iphoneos-arm.deb --directory-prefix=/User/Documents/uncursus/u0
wget https://apt.bingner.com/debs/1443.00/com.saurik.substrate.safemode_0.9.6003_iphoneos-arm.deb --directory-prefix=/User/Documents/uncursus/u0
wget -q https://apt.bingner.com/debs/1443.00/com.ex.substitute_0.1.14_iphoneos-arm.deb --directory-prefix=/User/Documents/uncursus/u0
wget -q https://apt.bingner.com/debs/1443.00/com.saurik.substrate.safemode_0.9.6003_iphoneos-arm.deb --directory-prefix=/User/Documents/uncursus/u0
echo "Done. Installing necessities..."
dpkg -i --force-all /User/Documents/uncursus/debpatch/us.diatr.sileorespring_1.1_iphoneos-arm.deb
dpkg -i --force-all /User/Documents/uncursus/debpatch/coreutils-bin.deb
dpkg -i --force-all /User/Documents/uncursus/debpatch/libssl.deb
dpkg -i --force-all /User/Documents/uncursus/debpatch/lzma.deb
dpkg -i --force-all /User/Documents/uncursus/debpatch/ncurses5-libs.deb
dpkg -i --force-all /User/Documents/uncursus/debpatch/xz.deb
dpkg -i --force-all /User/Documents/uncursus/debpatch/*.deb
dpkg -i --force-all /User/Documents/uncursus/u0/*.deb
echo "Done. Running Firmware Configuration (./firmware.sh)"
echo "Bootstrap installation complete. Cleaning up..."
rm -rf /User/Documents/uncursus/
echo "Uninstalling Cydia..."
apt update
apt install cydia -y --allow-unauthenticated
apt purge cydia -y
uicache -a
echo "All Done."
killall SpringBoard
touch /.installed_odyssey
touch /.procursus_strapped

View File

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
if [ $(uname) = "Darwin" ]; then
if [ $(uname -p) = "arm" ] || [ $(uname -p) = "arm64" ]; then
echo "It's recommended this script be ran on macOS/Linux with a clean iOS device running checkra1n attached unless migrating from older bootstrap."
echo "odysseyra1n deployment script"
echo "(C) 2020, CoolStar. All Rights Reserved"
echo "Uncursus Version"
echo ""
echo "Before you begin: This script includes experimental migration from older bootstraps to Procursus/Odyssey."
echo "If you're already jailbroken, you can run this script on the checkra1n device."
echo "If you'd rather start clean, please Reset System via the Loader app first."
if ! which curl >> /dev/null; then
echo "Error: curl not found"
exit 1
if [[ "${ARM}" = yes ]]; then
if ! which zsh >> /dev/null; then
echo "Error: zsh not found"
exit 1
if which iproxy >> /dev/null; then
iproxy 4444 44 >> /dev/null 2>/dev/null &
echo "Error: iproxy not found"
exit 1
rm -rf odyssey-tmp
mkdir odyssey-tmp
cd odyssey-tmp
echo '#!/bin/zsh' > odyssey-device-deploy.sh
if [[ ! "${ARM}" = yes ]]; then
echo 'cd /var/root' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'if [[ -f "/.bootstrapped" ]]; then' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'mkdir -p /odyssey && mv migration /odyssey' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'chmod 0755 /odyssey/migration' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo '/odyssey/migration' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm -rf /odyssey' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'else' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'VER=$(/usr/bin/plutil -key ProductVersion /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist)' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'if [[ "${VER%.*}" -ge 12 ]] && [[ "${VER%.*}" -lt 13 ]]; then' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'CFVER=1500' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'elif [[ "${VER%.*}" -ge 13 ]]; then' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'CFVER=1600' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'else' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'echo "${VER} not compatible."' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'exit 1' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'fi' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'gzip -d bootstrap_${CFVER}-ssh.tar.gz' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'mount -uw -o union /dev/disk0s1s1' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm -rf /etc/profile' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm -rf /etc/profile.d' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm -rf /etc/alternatives' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm -rf /etc/apt' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm -rf /etc/ssl' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm -rf /etc/ssh' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm -rf /etc/dpkg' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm -rf /Library/dpkg' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm -rf /var/cache' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm -rf /var/lib' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'tar --preserve-permissions -xkf bootstrap_${CFVER}-ssh.tar -C /' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo '/Library/dpkg/info/openssh.postinst || true' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.openssh.sshd.plist || true' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'fi' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo '/usr/libexec/firmware' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d/' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'echo "Types: deb" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odyssey.sources' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'echo "URIs: https://yaya48.github.io/uncursusrepo" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odyssey.sources' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'echo "Suites: ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odyssey.sources' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'echo "Components: " >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odyssey.sources' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'echo "" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odyssey.sources' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'mkdir -p /etc/apt/preferenced.d/' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'echo "Package: *" > /etc/apt/preferenced.d/odyssey' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'echo "Pin: release n=uncursus-ios" >> /etc/apt/preferenced.d/odyssey' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'echo "Pin-Priority: 1001" >> /etc/apt/preferenced.d/odyssey' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'echo "" >> /etc/apt/preferenced.d/odyssey' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games dpkg -i org.coolstar.sileo_1.8.1_iphoneos-arm.deb' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'uicache -p /Applications/Sileo.app' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'echo -n "" > /var/lib/dpkg/available' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo '/Library/dpkg/info/profile.d.postinst' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'touch /.mount_rw' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'touch /.installed_odyssey' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm bootstrap*.tar*' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm org.coolstar.sileo_1.8.1_iphoneos-arm.deb' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo 'rm odyssey-device-deploy.sh' >> odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo "Downloading Resources..."
curl -L -O https://github.com/coolstar/odyssey-bootstrap/raw/master/bootstrap_1500-ssh.tar.gz -O https://github.com/coolstar/odyssey-bootstrap/raw/master/bootstrap_1600-ssh.tar.gz -O https://github.com/coolstar/odyssey-bootstrap/raw/master/migration -O https://github.com/coolstar/odyssey-bootstrap/raw/master/org.coolstar.sileo_1.8.1_iphoneos-arm.deb
if [[ ! "${ARM}" = yes ]]; then
echo "Copying Files to your device"
echo "Default password is: alpine"
scp -P4444 -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" bootstrap_1500-ssh.tar.gz bootstrap_1600-ssh.tar.gz migration org.coolstar.sileo_1.8.1_iphoneos-arm.deb odyssey-device-deploy.sh root@
echo "Installing Procursus bootstrap and Sileo on your device"
if [[ "${ARM}" = yes ]]; then
zsh ./odyssey-device-deploy.sh
echo "Default password is: alpine"
ssh -p4444 -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" root@ "zsh /var/root/odyssey-device-deploy.sh"
echo "All Done!"
killall iproxy

procursus-migration.sh Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
echo You need to run this script as root.
echo -e "\e[31mUncursus 2.0 Migration Part By Yaya4_4 1.0 (Sbtale)\e[0m"
echo "Checking iOS Version"
VER=$(/usr/bin/plutil -key ProductVersion /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist)
if [[ "${VER%.*}" -ge 12 ]] && [[ "${VER%.*}" -lt 13 ]]; then
echo "iOS 12 Dectected Set The CFVER To 1500"
elif [[ "${VER%.*}" -ge 13 ]]; then
echo "iOS 13 Dectected Set The CFVER To 1600"
if [[ "${VER%.*.*}" -ge 13 ]]; then
echo "iOS 13 Dectected Set The CFVER To 1600"
if [[ "${VER%.*.*}" -ge 12 ]]; then
echo "iOS 12 Dectected Set The CFVER To 1500"
echo -e "\e[32mStarting Migration....\e[0m"
apt update
apt install wget -y --allow-unauthenticated
rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cydia.list
echo "deb https://apt.procurs.us/ iphoneos-arm64/${CFVER} main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cydia.list
rm -rf /var/root/migration
mkdir /var/root/migration
wget http://apt.procurs.us/pool/main/iphoneos-arm64/${CFVER}/procursus-keyring_2020.05.09_iphoneos-arm.deb --no-check-certificate --directory-prefix=/var/root/migration
wget -q https://apt.procurs.us/pool/main/iphoneos-arm64/${CFVER}/coreutils_8.32-1_iphoneos-arm.deb --no-check-certificate --directory-prefix=/var/root/migration
wget -q https://apt.procurs.us/pool/main/iphoneos-arm64/${CFVER}/firmware-sbin_0-1_iphoneos-arm.deb --no-check-certificate --directory-prefix=/var/root/migration
wget -q http://yaya48.gq/files/migration-files/elucubratustoprocursus/libncurses.6.dylib --no-check-certificate --directory-prefix=/var/root/migration
dpkg -i /var/root/migration/procursus-keyring_2020.05.09_iphoneos-arm.deb
apt update
apt install xz-utils -y --allow-unauthenticated -u -o APT::Force-LoopBreak=1
wget -q https://yaya48.gq/files/migration-files/shared/${CFVER}/liblzma.dylib --no-check-certificate --directory-prefix=/usr/local/lib
wget -q https://yaya48.gq/files/migration-files/shared/${CFVER}/liblzma.5.dylib --no-check-certificate --directory-prefix=/usr/local/lib
apt install xz-utils -y --allow-unauthenticated -u -o APT::Force-LoopBreak=1
apt full-upgrade -y --allow-unauthenticated -u -o APT::Force-LoopBreak=1
cp /var/root/migration/libncurses.6.dylib /usr/lib
dpkg -i --force-all /var/root/migration/firmware-sbin_0-1_iphoneos-arm.deb
apt full-upgrade -y --allow-unauthenticated -u -o APT::Force-LoopBreak=1
dpkg -i --force-all /var/root/migration/coreutils_8.32-1_iphoneos-arm.deb
dpkg -r apt1.4
dpkg -r cydia-list
rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cydia.list
echo "Types: deb" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/procursus.sources
echo "URIs: https://apt.procurs.us/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/procursus.sources
echo "Suites: iphoneos-arm64/${CFVER}" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/procursus.sources
echo "Components: main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/procursus.sources
echo -e "\e[32mMigration Finished!\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[32mBack To Uncursus Script...\e[0m"